I’m a Brooklyn-based product design and research leader with 11 years of experience ranging from pre-seed startups to big tech. I’ve owned the design of new mobile and desktop apps at Amazon Kindle, led the design systems working group and Creator Development iniatives at Kickstarter, started a design education nonprofit and summer camp, managed teams of up to 10, and taken a mental health startup from founding team to a 50-person, $53M Series B organization. See my resume for more.

Right now, I’m consulting at Stripe and a pre-seed women’s health company. Otherwise, you’ll find me salsa dancing, cycle adventuring, (trying to) play the saxophone, studying city governance, or loosely following a self-designed curriculum about poetry or AI in education.

Design portfolio

Selected projects

My strengths

Personal projects

DIY music history curriculum

I’m driven by the question: ”How can we, as adults not in school, make learning an intentional and pleasurable part of daily life?”

Ten genres, ten months: Designing my personal music education

The design thinking non-profit I co-founded and directed for 5 years

It started as a Kickstarter-funded tour of schools in the US and grew into a summer camp at Stanford and toolkits for teachers around the world.

Girl Possible